N. Gíôì LIFE
Well Lived

About the Therapist

After a happy little accident cost me my career as a corporate trainer, I found my massage therapist to be more beneficial than the physical therapist and/or chiropractor. Recognizing how happy she was in her profession, and realizing I just lost mine, I asked where she went to school: Northwestern Health Science University.


I attended NWHSU, pursuant a 2-year degree, and I furthered my education at four other 2-year programs teaching various philosophies and techniques, as well as keeping up on continuing education in interim between programs. I also have taken two attempts at a doctoral degree in Acupuncture (to little success).

In addition to being deeply interested about learning the healing arts, I have been a full-time massage therapist since 2012. With exception of a mandatory closure during the COVID pandemic, I have worked an average of 33-to-78 hands-on hours per week for over 30,000 hours of experience in treating chronic pain, life-long disease, and acute injury. As of 2024, I have found great success in achieving an unorthodox lifestyle of working 19-Hour Shifts for up an incredible 114 Hands-On hours per week doing what I love to do: helping.

To be clear, not all my days are 19-Hour Shifts, but I happen to love what I do for a living and I have a myriad of life-hacks that make my long days a non-issue. Chief among them is a combination of Intermittent Fasting and Lucid Dreaming which - when combined with ketosis - seems to provide sustained energy for several long days of physical activity.

If there’s anything else you’d like to know, please Contact Liaison. Otherwise, I look forward to helping you soon!